Monday, March 29, 2010

Shamrock Cat

Tommy the Tabby is literally in tall clover. With a little Luck O' the Irish, this cat could be yours, although there is no guarantee that he will come with a pot of gold.

Standard equipment is 4-paw drive, genuine tiger-stripe upholstery, and a surround-sound system (in the morning, his wakeup-it's-time-to-feed-me meows seem to come from every direction).

The exhaust system does needs a little work.

Snaggletoothed Tabby - High Meows, Low Humor

This little beauty is a sure-fire hit with any royal court.  Faust the Cat is an expert at making even the grimmest human laugh, and comes with option Jester's Cap.

While his meow-ometer has rolled over more than once (if only to get his belly rubbed), Faust's jolly attitude will rub off on everyone he comes near.

Unfortunately, so will his fur -- he does love to shed.